Saturday, May 29, 2010

Random Thought, The Obamas

I've been in Washington, DC for the past two days and I remembered,  as we passed the White House, why I was so awestruck with the Obamas.  From the beginning of the campaign I was in support of Barack Obama because of his ability and the way in which he expressed his ideas for this country and its people.  When I considered the impact he, Michelle and their family would have on this country and the world I was even more eager to see him as President of the United States.

For the first time we have, on the national stage, a classic example of a healthy traditional black family that will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on black families with respect to how we function in our relationships through their example as parents and as a couple.  They could single handedly change black love for the better because black men and women now have a model for how to love, show affection and raise children.

Not only have they changed our perception as a community, but the world's view of black love, families, fathers, mothers, women, and our men...

Follow me on Twitter: @therealcstewart

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